The subject of the three parts of The Fish Pond Song is an imaginary war. It is not an epic tale of battles but, a layered narrative filled with the fears and dreams that lie deep within us. In Kooijmans’ hands, war is an abstraction that is full of fantasy; it is the evil that lurks, the madness that can rage in people’s heads, but there is a gleam of hope too
Producers | De Bezige Bij The Stedelijk Museum ‘s-Hertogenbosch Submarine |
Concept | Jeroen Kooijmans |
Poems | Tommy Wieringa |
Music | David Dramm |
Vocal | Nora Fischer |
Voice-Over | John Reid |
Sound | Robert Bosch |
Camera | Tobias Mathijsen Rob van Dam |
Edit | Rens Christiaansen Jeroen van t Hullenaar |
With generous support of:
The Amsterdamse Fund for the Arts
Fonds 21
Mondriaan Fund
Jheronimus Bosch 500
The Netherlands Film Fund