Production Intern (Animation)
As the premier animation studio in the Netherlands, Submarine creates compelling and visually-stunning stories for both the big and small screen. We partner with animators from across the globe to produce innovative and original animation in all varieties – adult animation, children films and series, hybrids and animated documentaries.
Most recently the studio worked on ‘the Wellie Wishers’ a 26×11 series commissioned by Mattel and animated on ‘Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles’ a 2d feature film targeted towards an adult audience. Currently in production are the feature film ‘Heinz’ and design and sculpting for ‘Fox and Hare’ the series. In the near future we will start production on ‘Knofje’ and the co-production ‘Anne Frank’.
About the project:
Submarine is pleased to announce our involvement in the upcoming animated series ‘Undone’. Alongside the Tornante Company and Minnow Mountain, we will be co-producing a new show by ‘BoJack Horseman’ creators, Raphael Bob-Waksberg and Kate Purdy for Amazon.
Acclaimed Dutch artist Hisko Hulsing (‘Junkyard’, ‘Montage of Heck’) will lead the team at Submarine Studios.
We are now looking for a production intern for the animation department.
– General support of the production coordinators
– Analysing scripts and animatic for the creation of breakdowns
– Assisting the studio staff
– Booking corporate travels
– Organized multi-tasker with attention to detail
– Ability to thrive in a fast paced environment
– Can deliver content on deadline
– Able to liaise and work efficiently with production staff
If you are interested, please email your CV with cover letter to